Monday, July 23, 2007


There are two conflicting concepts of making money. One is working like a slave for someone else and struggling with a 60 - 80 hour work week to make a measly $1200 bucks.

The other is to be an entrepreneur and to create $7,500 bucks in instant revenue.

The later requires a little more tact, skill and panache but its totally worth it. Consider the alternative of working in a cube grovelling and waiting for permission to do just about anything. Then consider the entrepreneur way and taking a nap when you want or a two hour lunch in an expensive restaurant when you want.

The two concepts couldn't be any more different.

The best thing that can possibly happen to you in this up and down economy is to get fired. For one thing its going to stop you from succumbing to a slave like mentality. Its also going to broaden your horizons -- usually by force.

You're going to lose out on some of the things you become accostomed to in a job environment. You are going to miss out on the following:

* Water cooler banter
* Gossip
* Who slept with who
* Crap pay

* Bullshit

Now if you are INTO that sort of poor thinking behavior, (and a lot of people are) then you are not going to be mentally available to see real opportunity. As long as you are deadlocked into that paycheck and the limited possibilities that it brings you can miss it.

Its amazing what people will do to earn a $1000 dollars a week. Its incredible to me the amount of spiteful things that come out of peoples mouths, the backstabbing, the conieving and foul attitudes that people bring to the table. Its outrageous. You will find high levels of drug use as well as alcoholism at this level. I'm totally serious.

Just this week alone it was reported that 1 out of 12 people use drugs while working for someone else. These aren't just prescription drugs. These are hardcore illegal street drugs. When you think of the levels of depression and low frequency behavior that stems from working a total crap job its mind boggling.

So believe me when I tell you that getting fired is THE BEST THING that can happen to you.

If you are talking about getting at least $3,000 a week then you must be on your own. The numbers can only go up from there if you vision and are dedicated.

Multi level companies are not the way to go if you want to make SERIOUS BUCKS. Rip off companies like Market America, Quickstar, and so many others are good at only one thing. This includes creating a monstrous affiliate program and then charging the people involved with monthly fees that have little to do with accurate customer aquisition.

There are people who do pull in $50,000 a month doing MLM type businesses but they are few. They are living off the fat of many drones under them scraping by and doing the "monthly minimum". In a traditional business sense this is not a standard protocol.

If you want a joint venture - you create one. If you want your own affiliate program then you go out and make one but you do not have to join someone elses and live off a 30% profit margin. If you are talking about getting rich there are plenty of other ways to go out and do it.



Theres another secret to success.....

You need to cut loose all ties with poor thinking no matter where it comes from. It could come from a spouse, a co-worker, even a girlfriend. Dump them and create new relationships as soon as you can. Cut all ties from negative thinking people who profess poor ideologies and weak thinking.

You're only as powerful as the five closest people around you on a daily basis. Having said that its interesting how poverty and deep rooted poor level thinking is cultivated and preserved in some of our heartiest institutions.... churches, schools, universities and your community libraries.


That my friends is a recipe for hardship.

It's okay to dream big, and its okay to be AMAZING. By making this personal transformation you may have to cut ties with those closest around you and get mentors who have their act together.

Leaving your cube like prison is the best thing that can happen to you. Abandoning poor behavior like using an alarm clock to dictate your day or leaving it up to a stranger to spell out your total worth is required for this journey. Getting rid of the tradional mental and emotional prisons are necessary if you want to get bigger pay checks.

** Cultivating the perfect deal is the next step. They can come in many shapes and sizes. You can create a deal with one company that has 12 partners. This is a powerful way to create wealth.

** The same amount of work is required to get that 12 partnership deal. Also the amount of rejection is the you have nothing to lose by trying. Your price point will dictate just how much money you are really capable of making.

For those who got fired recently buck up. Your life is waiting.

Ted Cantu, got fired from some of the crappiest companies in Connecticut and is thankful. Today he is highly sought after and runs multi deals from coast to coast, the host of several radio shows, and the author of the upcoming book, "THE WEIGHT". Cantu posted this on July 23, 2007 at 9:44 pm

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